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precious rubies
Precious Rubies is our second sober living home offering women a safe and healthy place to recover. RecoveryChick House 2 (Precious Rubies) opened in late 2020 and is located at Dickinson, Texas. This is an exciting addition to our ministry for women who are willing and able to work a program of recovery.
This triplex property consists of a Main House, a Garage Apartment, and an Efficiency Unit. In addition, we're proud to offer our Step Up Housing Program, which was launched in 2021. The program provides a higher level of accountability and support, while still allowing residents to take on more responsibilities and gain experience living on their own. This program is designed to be a stepping stone for those who are working towards obtaining their own place in the future.
IT ALL STARTED WHEN…I needed to find someplace to live after treatment. My sister’s house was safe, but I was rebellious. I loved Jesus but I had never lived in the free world without drugs in my body and there was too much water under the bridge with my family. I needed to get around other people like me, people in recovery. My first Oxford House was a true blessing, but I had to navigate my faith on my own. My housemates didn’t understand why I lived according to Biblical principles and often gave me a hard time about it. I dreamt that someday I would develop a program offering women a place to live their faith and their recovery out loud.
Today that dream is a reality.
Welcome to Precious Rubies.
how it works
The women live in a single residence as a family and are learning to live life, on life's terms. We have a team of mentors volunteering their talents and time to teach life skills, work ethic, recovery principles on identity, living life on life’s terms, faith, purpose, and more!
The women of Precious Rubies House are learning the importance of being a productive member of our community and how to add value to the city they live in. Why are we having so much success? The amazing network of women that show up each week helps to cultivate hope and accountability within the house. We recover together, and it works!
We are the step after long term programming facilities, drug treatment, jail, prison, etc. The structure and accountability are not as rigid as the programs they come from, but there is enough to keep them on the right track. Outside of the daily activities the members have the ability to work a job, attend outpatient services, participate in meetings, work with their sponsors and attend church services. We view addictions as a spiritual problem with a spiritual answer. If she has a higher power leading her life she can overcome temptations leading to relapse. Women stick and stay. RecoveryChick staff and volunteers are made up of women who are in long-term recovery and know the hard work it takes to not only get clean, but to stay that way.
Minimum 30 days of continuous recovery.
Willingness and ability to work a program of recovery including 12 Step Meeting’s.
Completely free of all mind altering substances and agree to random drug tests.
Ability and willingness to attend groups and classes with a good attitude.
Follow house rules and policies.
Be self-supporting. $200 Sober Fee, and $700 monthly dues.
Hello Beautiful RecoveryChick,
We have been praying for you and we are glad you are here. You are not alone. RecoveryChick's have been where you are, and we are here to boldly proclaim people like us do recover!!! We did it, so can you!
We are a breed of broken people who are in the process of being transformed. We are putting a purpose to our pain. We are sharing our lives with others so they too can be free. We are applying recovery principles to every area of life and living a life we never could've imagined. We are recovering from anything that’s keeping us from living our purpose and destiny. We are stepping out of denial and into acceptance. You deserve to have a new beginning and start living your best life.
If this resonates in you and you are ready to do the honest work of recovery, we invite you to fill out this application and come live with us in this women supporting women recovery community.
Looking forward to meeting you,
Brandy Hill
House Manager
testimonial: dk
DK was our first resident and first graduate. She now has a full-time job, her own home, her family back, and a support system that isn't going anywhere. This might not seem like such a feat until you learn she couldn't work a job in the last five years, lived in active addiction for 28 years, and was arrested 12 times in three years. Who the Son set's free is free indeed!!