meet recoverychick.
RecoveryChick is a Christian-based recovery community and 501c3 non-profit. We are recovering people in the process of being transformed. We are not ashamed to tell our story and not ashamed of Jesus. We are putting a purpose to our pain. We are sharing our lives with others so they too can be free. When He sends us, we will go. We are applying recovery principles to every area of life, and living a life we never could've imagined. We are recovering from anything that’s keeping us from living our God-given purpose and destiny. We are stepping out of denial and into God's grace.
Jesus has been on a search and recovery mission since day one.
There is a recovery movement.
It’s a given recovery is for addictions,
but recovery isn't just for drug addictions anymore!
Addictions, alcoholism, codependency, unhealthy love addictions and relationship issues, the sex industry, domestic violence, perversion. We recovery from gluttony, eating disorders, abortions, self-harm, insecurities, fear, burn-out, depression, grief, anxiety, emotional abuse, body image issues, illness, regret. RecoveryChicks recover from a loss of any kind, heartbreak. spending too much money or not having enough to spend. We recover from trauma, mental illness, unemployment, and the list goes on. You fill in the blank.
If you can name it we recover. We recover from anything, anything that is keeping us from living our God-given purpose and destiny.
Our Founder: Pastor Cynthia Corder, The RecoveryChick
“I made it out, so can you.”
“First things first, I love Jesus! I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon; It’s where my family and my haunted past live. I was dragged into jail kicking and screaming on February 4, 2000, a dope fiend, but I was released as a hope fiend! God did for me what I couldn't do for myself. He loved me while I was unlovable and gave me hope when I was hopeless. Now I boldly share my story of recovery with anyone who will listen.
I began my recovery in the anonymous rooms of AA, NA, CA, AL-Anon, OA, and Oxford Houses. I thank God for all of these programs; I often say Jesus saved my soul, but the steps saved my life. However, as for my recovery and my life, one thing was crystal clear: Jesus Christ was my One and only Higher Power. God led me into a powerful church called New Beginnings and my Pastors, Larry and Tiz Huch saw the call of God on my life. They trained me up as a leader and I was ordained a Recovery Pastor! I have been teaching the Bible ever since, and now I expand my reach to you through RecoveryChick, a Spirit-led recovery community.
If you can name it, I’ve probably recovered from it or have walked someone else through it. At the core of it all, I believe the Bible is the answer, Jesus paid the price, God is on the throne, and the Holy Spirit gives you and I the power to say yes to God and no to the things that try to destroy us.
I am here to let you know, I made it out, and so can you!